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![It's a lazy sunday on Earth. Mom and Dad sit on the kitchen table, coffee in hand. Dad is reading the 'Technology Times', while Mom keeps an eye on the kid playing in the yard outside. The kid visible through the window and is seen to be playing on a swing, while Grumpy the cat, is looking at a squirrel that is running up a tree.
The 'Technology Times' in Dad's hand features a spread of the superheroes of Deep learning on the cover. On the back cover, visible to the audience, are the following advertisements (from left to right); 'Come work with the Enforcer at RNNAISNSE' with a picture of the Enforcer with his fist extending towards the screen. The Rigor Police, weeknights @8 only on Showtime and Keeping Up with the ML Kardashians
[Cat stuck in a tree]
Child screams "Oh Noooo"
Mom throws hands up in exasperations while Dad clutches his face in worry. The child is seen crying in the background
Mom says "OH MY! GRUMPY IS STUCK IN THE TREE! WHAT EVER SHOULD WE DO? "](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide3-709x1024.png)
![[Dad — self-serious, scratching chin ponderously staring at headline]
Well… If you had asked me at any other point in history, I would have said “call the fire department!” But times are changing… and I’ve been doing some reading.
[Dad — pointing to newspaper]
Look here, this article says that deep learning AIs have surpassed human beings at a wide range of problems requiring dexterous manipulation.
Dad points to a newspaper with the headline 'AI Robot Hand: Today Rubik's Cube, Tomorrow the Real World'
Dad says 'This just might be a job for the Deep Learning Superheroes!' and looks up with a resolute look on his face, while Mom and Kid look excited](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide4-709x1024.png)
![[MOOC arrives on the scene, to the rescue. Student army follows in his wake, so many students, they are all anonymous and trailing off far into the distance. Few-to-none of them are individually recognizable, just a mass of people]
[MOOC]: Hello there, humans. I heard you were in some kind of trouble.
Some of my students and I thought we’d stop by to lend a hand.
[MOOC gestures at infinitude of bodies stretching into the sunset]](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide5-709x1024.png)

![Benchmark summons data into the shape of a workstation, with 3 monitors. She excitedly starts typing on the keyboard and is glued to the screen as she says, "Fortunately, all the data you need is already on the internet, if only you know where to look".
[emphatically hits ENTER]
"There! I’ve pulled every satellite photograph of this tree since the covert beginnings of orbital surveillance during the Kennedy administration."
MOOC smiles as he looks at the all data Benchmark has pulled.](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide9-709x1024.png)

![Montage of students trying out different implementations:
[Student 1]
I’m going to use Q-learning!
[Student 2]
I’m going to use Policy Gradient!
[Student 3]
A3C for the win!
[Student 4]
Nobody has a chance against my Rainbow implementation!
[Student N]
Wait… what’s the reward function?!
[Student N+1 — Pointing at StackOverflow]
[headline: What’s the best Reward Function for Reinforcement Learning?]
I've got it!](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide18-709x1024.png)

![[All drones lift off and fly in random directions off into the sunset]
Students stand by looking and pondering, "Where are they all going?!?...Maybe they're exploring"
Deep learning heroes scratch heads in puzzlement. Mom, annoyed, "Still sure about these guys?". Dad, calms her down and says, "Patience, dear"](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide20-709x1024.png)
![[Q-Silver — scratching chin, thoughtful expression on face]
When we built the first version of AlphaGo, we benefited from training predictive models to guess the next move based on millions of professional human games.
I’ve heard of this … Imitation Learning, right?
That’s right, kids. Why learn from scratch when we can kick-start our models with trajectories sampled from expert demonstrations?
But where are we going to get the data?
[Benchmark, assembling the students like a coach at half time]
Time is of the essence. Here’s the plan. Each team must find another cat stuck in a tree and rescue it manually by piloting your drones. Don’t forget to record the complete sequence of video observations and actions taken. Let’s go!](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide21-709x1024.png)

![[Student, deep in thought]
There don’t seem to be any other cats in trees… how do we gather training data?
[A different student]
I know! Let’s use the quadcopters to first put the cats IN the trees!
[Montage of drones dropping cats into trees]](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide23-709x1024.png)
![Student looks at the audience with a slight smile, while holding a remote control and says, "Ok… now that we have cats in trees, let’s get rescuing!"
[Montage of drones rescuing cats from trees]](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide24-709x1024.png)

![[MOOC — knowingly]
Anyone dare to guess what went wrong here?
[Student, deep in thought]
All of our training data was collected during the day… but we deployed the model at night? Doesn’t that violate the i.i.d. assumption?
That’s right!
[Child starts to cry]
[Mom] That's it, I'm calling the fire department now
[Dad, looking at the newspaper in his hand and looking utterly defeated] I just don’t see how it’s possible that the news could have overstated the capabilities of today’s AI…
You see students, Machine Learning isn’t about replacing humans, it’s about complementing their abilities! Let’s demonstrate what humans and AI can achieve together!](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide26-709x1024.png)

[Lex Fridman]
The following is a conversation with MOOC, Benchmark, and Q-Silver, famed superheroes of deep learning, computer vision, and reinforcement learning.
A quick summary of the ads. This episode is brought to you by HardBank, StashApp, and Ahoylent. If you enjoy this thing, subscribe on YouTube, review it with 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, support it on Patreon, or connect with me on Twitter (If you can)
MOOC, Q-Silver and Benchmark are being interviewed by Lex. MOOC and Q-Silver smile, while Benchmark looks bored. Lex gushes, "Wow. Just wow. I have been such a huge fan for years. So many amazing ML techniques and algorithms came together in just the right way today in what I really think will be remembered as a defining milestone of the AGI age. "
Lex is now interviewing Grumpy. Lex, asks seriously, "So, Grumpy, excuse my romanticized question, I’m Russian. I have to ask- What do you think is the meaning of life?" Grumpy growls into the microphone.](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide29-709x1024.png)
![Even later...
[Cut to Siraj’s new video]
[Siraj Raval]
Yo Grumpy — You ain’t Lumpy
Stuck in that tree, nowhere to pee
You lit it up girl, Burning
Yearning for machine learning
Eyes turning, to the sky, for drones
This cat moans for the AI revolution
The solution, my absolution, is convolution
My algorithms fly, my rhythm so sly
Don’t mean to rub it in yo faces
But my complicated Hilbert spaces
Are for the ages. They’re the rages.
Start taking notes, you’ll need pages.
[turns stares at the camera]
Hello world, It's me.
Word2Vec, Input in, Dot Product, Activate,
Do it 1nce, do it 2wice, input out, errors done
I don’t need a label, I just learnt to do it without 1
“Solve AI or die tryin” [drops mic]](https://approximatelycorrect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slide30-709x1024.png)

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This is the best thing I have seen in a while. Such creativity !
Hahaha this is so refreshingly unique!
Siraj’s “complicated Hilbert space” 😂😂 I hope he never lives that one down.
“meaning of life” Lex Fridman reference is hilarious.
Sooo in sync with the times! Keep on searching. There’s gotta be intelligence somewhere…
Thanks for stopping by Nathan! Hope you and Shelly are doing great.
Hahaha, this was great! Thanks for the laughs 😉